Thursday, December 30, 2010

EIGHTH POST: A New Year Is Coming....

     Hello readers.  As most of you know, a New Year is coming in at the end of this week.  Some people make resolutions of things that they want to do in 2011.  In my experience, resolutions do NOT work.  They are made to be broken. After many years of this, I decided not to make resolutions. Instead, I decided to make goals that I need to accomplish before December 31, 2011 at 11:59:59.  That way, if I mess up the first day, I have 364 days left to try and "git 'er done!"
    Here is my list for 2011....

1) Lose weight.   You know that had to be at the top. I have to lose some more more weight because...well, read Blog #6. All the details and reason is in there.  (By the way, I am down to 30 pounds to go.)

2) Write a book.  If this was a combination of a car and a resolution, it would have been an "every year breakdown."  I'm not sure what the book will be, but hopefully it will be a good one.  By 2012, it should be published.

3) Take a trip.  It has been a while since I have been on a trip anywhere.  It would be nice to see friends and family members.  I have a list of people I should visit.  We'll see.

4) Do better with Christmas cards.  This may have been a downfall in your year too.  For me, it has been a real failure. So I hope to be more organized in the next year. I might even get a "newsletter" in there too. I also want to better in the K.I.T. department.  For those that don't know, K.I.T. stands for "Keeping in Touch."

5) Blog more.  I haven't written many blogs in 3 months. Critics might think my percentage of "blog entry" is ridiculous.  All I can say is cut me some slack.  Wait till next year.

   It is my hope that everyone has many blessings in 2011.  I also hope that if you make resolutions, you try hard to keep them. Finally, if you decide to make goals, I hope you accomplish them.  It doesn't matter  you make a wonderful list or a wimpy list, they are your goals.

That's all for now.  Take Care and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

Monday, December 27, 2010

SEVENTH POST: Actors, Get A Journal

      I have been involved in theatre for a long time. This is one thing I wish I did earlier as an actor.  Lots of times, an actor or actress wants everyone on the cast and crew to sign his/her program.  Many times, the program does not allow for everyone to write all they want to say. There isn't enough space.  It could be caused by two things. 1) The printing of the program that doesn't allow a certain amount of space to be used to write anything. 2) Some people "write a book" or write too big.
     My suggestion to you is this...get a journal.  This way, people will have a lot of space to write as much as they want.  You can be guaranteed to get everyone in the cast and crew to sign it.  How can you go wrong. You can't.
     So if you want everyone in the cast, crew, makeup people, director, etc. to sign, get a journal.  Make sure you put the title of the production, and when it was performed.  You might want to stick some programs in there.  Who knows?  If you stick with performing, you could fill a journal with many shows in it.

     That's all for now...Take Care and Break A Leg.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

SIXTH POST: A Christmas Gift

      Hello.  It's been a while since I have blogged.  Lots has happened.  A person in my family wanted an unusual Christmas gift.  Can you guess what it is?....Okay. Time's up.  This family member wanted me to weigh a certain amount by Christmas.  What do you think?

     Well, anyway, I weighed myself today, and I am happy with myself.  I have less than 35 pounds to go.  Of course, you know it might seem impossible to lose that much by December 25.  But I do plan to get that gift to this family member. Have you ever given a late Christmas gift to anyone before? 

     I will keep you updated and let you know whether this family member got the gift or not.

    That's all for now...Take care.