Wednesday, October 13, 2010

FOURTH POST: It's An Election Year

   Hello Tall Tom's Blogs readers!! Hope all is well with you.  I hope you are all holding up in this election year.  It seems that around this time EVERY year, it's an election year. I also hate to say it, but these politicians make telemarketers look like angels.   And I get tired of it. Here are the reasons why.

1) I get calls all the time about why I should vote for this candidate and not the other.  Most of the time, it is recorded or someone other than the candidate themselves.

2)  When I talk to someone human, they are asking me if they can count on my vote for a candidate.  Talk about put on the spot.  At times, I wanted to answer this question, "It depends on how many times he calls my house."  Never have though.

3)  I see too many ads about a candidate.  Most of them not positive, and most of them not nice.

4)  I also get "junk mail" too about a candidate.  I get enough of that.  I'm not sure which is the lesser of two evils...bills or this "junk mail."

5) I get calls from candidates who want me to vote for them in a primary.  I am tired of this because usually the primaries deal with Republicans and Democrats.  I am not either of those.  So why call me?

Are you tired of this too?  If you are read on....I have thought about ways to lessen this.  It may be a losing battle, but worth a try.

1) If you have an answering machine, make the announcement that states if you are calling to get your vote, hang up now.

2) Send all their junk mail back, and request to not send any more.

3) I have considered telling the campaigner that depending on the number of calls I get, you don't have to count on my vote.  You never know with the type of communication the campaign headquarters has.  I mean, what are the chances of you having to answer the same question, "Can so-and-so count on your vote?" to only ONE person?  You would think after the first time you answer it, the peeps at HQ would relay the message to the rest of the peeps at HQ not to call because someone has the answer to that question already.
Do you know what I mean?

Anyway, you can see from all this that I am pretty annoyed with this process. There has to be a "happy-medium" somewhere. If you are as annoyed as I am, (in the words of Bill Clinton) I feel your pain.

I'm Tall Tom...and I hope you approve this message.

That's all for now....Take Care.