Tuesday, November 2, 2010

FIFTH POST: Oh Happy Day!!!

I hope, Tall Tom's Blogs readers, you had voted today.  If you didn't, I can understand that too.  It seems very frustrating up to today to pick the candidate you want when you are swamped with TV ads, political "junk mail," phone calls, etc. for months.  As  I said in my last blog, "There has to be a happy-medium somewhere."  Maybe that is an issue that our legislators should work out before the next election.

Anyway, I was happy when this day came.  I think there were others too. I was so happy that I was singing, "Amen."  The words are easy to memorize....A-a-a-men, A-a-a-men, A-a-men, A-men, A-men. I was that happy.

I voted.  For those that haven't, they have a  different way to take your vote.  First, they have to make sure you are who you say you are first.  Next, after you have signed your name (and it looks like the way you signed your driver's license), you get this 11 x 17 paper with all the candidates.  Then, you go stand at a small "cubicle" and fill in the circles next to the candidate you want to vote for with a marker.  If you remember the "IOWA Testing" they gave in school, you would know what I'm talking about. If you don't, you might think of it as filling out a LOTTO card.  (I made sure that I stayed within the boundaries of the circle.)

Finally, you slip it in to a big machine that scans it.  It looks over your ballot.  If you made some kind of error, it will spit it back at you.  (Hopefully, the machine was a little lenient on voters who went a little outside the circle.)  However if you are successful, the machine will tell you and keep your ballot.

I miss the old way.  It was a much simpler time. All you had to do was open a curtain, step inside, close the curtain, press a lever till you saw an 'X", and open a curtain.  Nobody knew how you voted,  You were done.

So now that the election is over, sing with me....Oh Happy Day!!...Oh Happy Day-ee-yeah!!!

That's all for now....Take care.